The Works of JDR
Our work with past candidates is extremely important and has helped JDR Consulting become a reality.
Campaign Activities
Campaign Consultant
Faye Bordeaux, candidate Pitt County Commissioner 2022
Campaign Consultant
Danica Royster for City Council Norfolk, Virginia in 2021
Precinct 148 Coordinator
Vi Lyles for Charlotte, NC Mayor in 2017
Volunteer Coordinator
Susan Rodriquez-McDowell 2018/2020 run for Mecklenburg County
House Parties Coordinator
Connie Green-Johnson 2016 run for NC House 105
Precint 148 Coordinator
Natasha Marcus for NC Senate District 41 in 2018
Core Participant
Cynthia Wallace 2020 run for US Congress District 9
Precint 148 Coordinator
DeAndrea Salvador for NC Senate District 39 in 2020
Precint 148 Coordinator
Wesley Harris for NC House 105 in 2018/2020
Precint 148 Coordinator
Aretha Blake for NC District 26 Court Judge in 2020
Precint 148 Coordinator
Leigh Altman for Mecklenburg County Commissioner At Large in 2020
Community Organizing
Key Organizer
in June 2020, the key organizer of the "Ballantyne Families/Kidz March for Justice" in support of the BLM protests against the George Floyd murder in conjunction with the march
co-created the "Ballantyne Families for Justice & Change" Facebook group to keep protestors engaged
organized a free mask distribution in Black & Brown communities to educate about the pandemic and the importance of wearing masks
Co-Organizer & Coordinator
Co-organizer & Coordinator of the "Black Women of South Mecklenburg" group whose mission is to affect social, political & economic change